Top Signs Your Brand is Failing Your Sales Team
Alaina Shearer Alaina Shearer

Top Signs Your Brand is Failing Your Sales Team

CEO’s are often quick to blame the sales team for a slump in deals, but in many cases it’s not their fault. I’ve not yet met one salesperson who doesn’t want more sales and to close more deals. But a sales team, even the best sales team, performs at a higher level when their brand is pulling its share of the weight.

This post will focus on signs your brand is failing your sales team. If you tell me, “but my brand performed just fine in the past, the only thing that’s changed is my sales team.” I’ll be the first to point out that it sounds like your market and competition have elevated their games while you’ve fallen behind or lost sight of what is relevant to your audience.

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How to become a personal brand rock star (in 5 easy steps).
Alaina Shearer Alaina Shearer

How to become a personal brand rock star (in 5 easy steps).

When we think of rock stars, we instantly attach meaning to their names. That’s not by coincidence—it’s the result of masterful personal branding. These artists have built identities so strong that they transcend their music, becoming symbols of empowerment, rebellion, and authenticity.

But let’s not forget: they’re not one-dimensional beings. Behind each of them are layers of complexity and depth, just like you and me. The magic lies in how they’ve chosen to highlight certain traits and amplify them for the world to see—while keeping everything else carefully curated or behind the curtain.

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Purposefully Not for Everyone
Alaina Shearer Alaina Shearer

Purposefully Not for Everyone

The past few weeks have been an incredible test for all of us as leaders, as parents, as humans and as, last but not least, as citizens of the United States of America. Do we stay silent? Do we say something? Or do we withdrawal and stand by?

Many say politics shouldn’t play a hand in a professional setting, but how can it not when so much of it stands to threaten our businesses and our very way of life?

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2025 B2B Trends You Can’t Ignore
Alaina Shearer Alaina Shearer

2025 B2B Trends You Can’t Ignore

B2B marketing isn’t easy. Here are 5 trends you can’t afford to ignore in 2025. # 1 We’ll see more CEO and executive-led content than ever before, especially on platforms like LinkedIn, but also on YouTube and other consumer-facing channels. It's no longer optional, but expected from potential clients and decision makers.

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How to be brave.
Alaina Shearer Alaina Shearer

How to be brave.

The world needs bravery now. Not more than ever. But as it always has and always will. Bravery is absolutely essential to humankind’s survival and in our ability, as individuals to thrive. So, how do we live our life to its bravest? I’m writing this in hopes it will inspire you to find your inner bravery on a daily basis.

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