SEO shouldn’t be a mystery, but for many of us – it is. Even the most tech-savvy individuals today know very little about what constitutes a true SEO campaign and how to gain the highest rank in Google and other search engines.

The truth is, SEO is not for the faint of heart. It takes a commitment of either time or money in order to see results. But when those results do come in, they are the most lucrative marketing leads any business can generate today. Why? Because searches are highly targeted and your customer is directly seeking a solution to their problem. The solution, ideally, is your business.

Achieving a high rank is just one piece of the puzzle, however. The other critical piece of SEO is converting visitors into customers. At Cement Marketing we do this by creating custom landing pages with online contact forms that target exact keywords. We also conduct split testing and user experience tests on our pages to see which perform the best and lead to the highest number of conversions.

Our SEO experience has taught us one thing – there is no one formula for any client and we would be unwise to assume so. This is why our retainer packages leave room for flexibility. We see what is working and then strategically re-allocate dollars as needed.

In the end, because of this high level and forward thinking strategy, our clients gain the most leads possible within their individual budget constraints. And our success is clearly measured by your Web traffic meaning that your success is our success.

If you’re interested in learning more about Cement Marketing’s SEO services, please contact us.