How do you plan and execute a successful mom blogger and dad blogger event that intertwines public relations, social marketing, and search marketing?

We worked with our client, Nationwide Children’s Hospital, to invite socially influential parents to check out the new hospital—before the media, before the public.


Why blogger outreach?

Bloggers and social influencers are powerful. They ask questions, they document events, they open themselves up to the world. Making connections and growing relationships with bloggers results in honest opinions, thoughtful feedback, and a ton of wonderful user-generated content for an organization.

The blogger tour–a truly exclusive event.

Besides touring the hospital before the media, we wanted to offer something special. Parents rarely have enough face time with pediatricians or child care providers. We offered parents the exclusive opportunity to participate in a Q&A with a pediatrician, a child nutritionist, and a child psychologist following the tour. “What is your policy on sugar in cafeteria food?” one parent asked. “What is the impact of nutrition on attention?” Another asked. Parents finally had the chance to ask their burning questions, and NCH was able to learn what parents are really concerned about.

The results:

Conversation and content. We saw hundreds of pieces of user-generated content from this event, including 12 blog posts, 150+ tweets using the #everythingmatters hashtag, 70+ Twitter and Instagram photos, and 100+ referral clicks to the Children’s website. People exchanging tweets and comments about the hospital’s design, amenities, and services enriched the conversation.

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Buzz for the Community Open House. The weekend following the blogger event, Nationwide Children’s Hospital held an event open to the community with tours, community booths, and interactive activities for kids. The photos, blog posts, and more piqued curiosity among blog readers and the public.

If you are interested in learning how Cement Marketing can help you plan and execute a successful blogger outreach campaign, contact us at